Wart Removal Treatments in Delhi

Image for Wart Removal

At Ayushman Skin & Cosmetology, where we specialize in the removal of warts from any part of your body. Our advanced wart removal treatments in Delhi employ cutting-edge procedures to address this common issue. Warts, which are non-cancerous growths resembling benign tumors, can be unsightly and cause embarrassment, especially when they appear in visible areas.

These eruptions are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a contagious virus that can spread rapidly. It’s important to note that individuals with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to developing warts.

While warts themselves are not harmful, their presence in visible areas can impact your confidence. Opting for advanced warts treatment is the key to preventing their growth. At Ayushman Skin & Cosmetology Centre in Delhi, we bring extensive experience to the table, utilizing advanced procedures for the elimination of warts.

Our approach to warts treatment is simple, quick, and highly effective. Choosing our services can lead to clear and healthy skin, restoring your confidence. If warts are negatively affecting your self-esteem, don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. We are here to help.

Causes of Wart

Warts are caused by a virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the body through cuts or skin-to-skin contact. This virus triggers the overproduction of a protein called keratin on the skin’s top layer, resulting in the development of hard and thick warts.

Various strains of HPV can lead to different types of warts, and the virus is highly contagious. You can catch it by using public restrooms frequently, sharing shoes or clothes, or coming into contact with an infected object or person. If you already have a wart, there’s a risk of developing more in different body areas.

The virus can spread within your own body by touching or scratching an existing wart, shaving, having wounded skin, or nail-biting. While adults have a lower risk of transferring warts, children and newborns are more susceptible. Additionally, individuals with a weakened immune system are at a higher risk of getting an HPV strain that causes warts.

How do dermatologists treat warts?

Warts often go away on their own, especially in children. However, in adults, they may not disappear as easily or quickly. Dermatologists can help if you’re struggling to get rid of warts if they are causing pain, or if you have numerous warts. Various treatments are available, and the choice depends on factors like age, health, and the type of wart.

Common wart removal treatments in Delhi include:

  • Cantharidin: A dermatologist may apply cantharidin to the wart, causing a blister to form underneath. After a week, the dead wart can be clipped away.
  • Cryosurgery: Freezing the wart is a common treatment for adults and older children. It’s not too painful, but repeat treatments may be needed.
  • Electrosurgery and curettage: Burning the wart and scraping it off with a sharp tool may be done together. This is effective for common, filiform, and foot warts.
  • Excision: Cutting out the wart is another option.

For harder-to-treat warts, dermatologists may use:

  • Laser treatment: An option for warts that haven’t responded to other therapies, often preceded by numbing the area with an anesthetic injection.
  • Chemical peels: Prescription peeling medicines like salicylic acid, tretinoin, and glycolic acid can be applied at home for flat warts.
  • Bleomycin: Inject each wart with an anti-cancer medicine, which may have side effects like pain and potential nail loss.
  • Immunotherapy: This uses the body’s immune system to fight warts. It involves applying a chemical like diphencyprone or receiving interferon shots.

In conclusion, there’s no cure for the wart virus, so warts may return. New warts can appear as fast as old ones go away, especially if not treated promptly. To prevent this, it’s essential to have new warts treated as soon as they emerge.


Q: Do all warts need treatment?
No, many warts may go away on their own, especially in children. However, treatment is recommended if they persist, cause discomfort, or are cosmetically bothersome.

Q: Is wart removal painful?
The level of discomfort varies depending on the treatment method. Procedures like cryosurgery and laser treatment are generally well-tolerated.

Q: How long does it take for warts to be removed?
The duration varies based on the treatment method and the individual’s response. Some treatments may require multiple sessions, while others may show results in a shorter period.

Q: What are the side effects of wart removal treatments?
Side effects can include temporary redness, swelling, or blistering at the treatment site. Specific treatments like bleomycin injections may have additional side effects, such as pain or potential nail loss.

Q: Can warts come back after removal?
While treatments can eliminate existing warts, there is no guarantee that new warts won’t develop in the future. Regular follow-ups with a dermatologist can help monitor and address any new growth.

Q: Can I remove warts at home?
Over-the-counter solutions may help with some warts, but it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, especially for persistent or numerous warts.

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